Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh no, my Flip Video!

Today had a few frustrations…my wonderful little Flip Video Ultra quit. :o( It turns on but won’t record, so I emailed support at Flip. Within a half hour I had instructions on something to try. That didn’t fix it so I replied and again, in about 45 minutes they were asking for my address and other info so they could send me a return authorization to send it in to the shop. Excellent customer service, I was really pleased. Unfortunately they wanted to know purchase date so I had to dig up my receipt, which was in a plastic shoe box, with all the other receipts, paid bills and important mail we have collected since we left our old home in May….I think I better come up with a different system.

So today we computed, walked and had a pretty typical day. The park really filled up tonight. We were really amazed how quickly it happened. We went in for dinner, came outside to enjoy a beautiful evening and it was like a different park! It’s supposed to be a beautiful weekend so people are out to enjoy it.

We head out tomorrow on our way to Vegas. We have giving ourselves a couple days to travel the 500 or so miles. Looking forward to seeing Vegas again, I’m sure we will find it very different from last time we were there.

Top: pretty fall colors
Bottom: Cheye starting to shake
Video: More photos from around the park

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