Friday, November 14, 2008

Windy Day

Gosh, it was like being back in Benton City (where I used to live) today... blowing, gusting, dirt and grit, by far the windiest day we have had here in Lake Havasu, AZ since we arrived. Actually it wasn’t quite as bad as I’ve seen it back in the Yakima Valley. At least it was warm, in the mid 80’s, so we had the windows open which made it pleasant in the trailer. Even though the keyboard on my laptop kept getting gritty it wasn’t bad inside. It is different being in a 30 foot trailer in a wind storm rather than in a 2000 sq ft house, the house doesn’t bounce around.

We did go over to the club house for breakfast this morning. Dave went swimming a couple times today, the wind doesn’t really bother him. Besides that the day was spent inside doing the usual reading, computing and Wii. Not a bad day, but if you know me you will know I really do not like the wind! I guess not every day can be perfect weather.

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