Friday, January 9, 2009

A Little Shake

No Santa Ana’s here in Menifee, CA yet, there is still a warning though Sunday evening. We held to our usual routine today with one exception, we went to dinner at the campground café. We met a very nice couple and chatted with them for quite a while after dinner. Always fun to meet fun fellow RVer’s.

Yesterday evening just before 8:00 p.m. we were sitting in the trailer when it shook. Dave & I both looked around thinking the other had done something to make the trailer move, we then both looked at Cheye thinking maybe she was moving around. Nope. Dave looked outside thinking wind, no wind. Then Dave said; earthquake! I got on the internet and sure enough, there was a 4.5 just about 30 miles north of us. Here is an article on it. It was very quick but it let us know were were in California! :o)

Birds in the park
More views around Thousand Trails Wilderness Lakes


Carl and Jackie said...

Aloha Guys! I bet that was a little disconcerting! Jackie grew up about 15 miles from where you are now and she said she remembers quakes like that happening fairly often.

Dave and Lori said...

At least it was just a little quake! I didn't realize Jackie was a California girl. This is a nice area, even with the quake. :o)
