Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fabulous Sunday

Wow…what a fabulous day! Made it up to 81 according to our thermometer. Dave and I were able to sit outside and really enjoy the day, plus we took a few walks around the park. The views of Mount St. Helens were striking, so photos were called for. You can see another mountain in the distance, I think it is Mt. Adams but I’m not real good at identifying mountains.

We did take care of a few things, a couple of the curtain tie-backs had pulled away from the wall so Dave fixed that. I caught up the checkbook…yep pretty strenuous day. :o)

Top: Mount St. Helens
Middle: Mt. Adams??? - Not sure about that
Bottom: The sky line
Video: In yesterday’s blog I mentioned the gully washer we had the other day, I have a little video showing the end of the downpour, the rest is of Thousand Trails Chehalis.

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