Wednesday, July 29, 2009


On our walk this morning we saw a trailer that had a bunch of hummingbirds at their feeder. We decided we better help out feeding the birds and put up our’s. There were a few takers today and Dave managed to get some photos of these zippy little birds. They are just so cute!

I have mentioned that I enjoy cross stitching. It’s an easy hobby to do on the road as long as the pattern isn’t huge. Today I finished my current project and in record time, well for me! The last 5x7 project took me a few years, of course I was still working and then there was house work, yard work… well you know the drill… so I didn’t pickup my stitching too often. This 5x7 only took me just over 2 months. Not extremely speedy but then why rush??? :o)

The weather here is holding in the mid 80’s with lots of sunshine and a breeze. Absolutely beautiful.

Top: A little dark, but there are 4 hummingbirds at the neighbor's feeder
Right: My latest cross stitch project, a Debbie Mumm pattern
Below: A hummingbird
Video: Hey... more hummingbird photos!! :o)


Robin said...

Wow - what great pictures of the hummingbirds! Lori your latest project is beautiful. I love Debbie Mumm, great job.

Dave and Lori said...

Hi Robin!
I thought those hummingbird pics were pretty amazing too. To be able to see the wing like that is cool. I really like Debbie Mumm too, have one more pattern of her's to do.


Randy and Terry said...

I'm a cross stitcher, too, and just love that project you did. Very colorful. I have never done one of Debbie Mumm's; I'll have to check her out. I'm currently doing a princess quilt for my g'daughter and am just about done. It's taken me about 5 months to do, but I'm thrilled with it.

I enjoy the blog!

Dave and Lori said...

Thanks! I really liked Debbie's "tea collection". They are a little older pattern but you can still find them online.

Wow, a quilt, that is a lot of work!!!
