Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Change of Plans

I mentioned in my last post that our friends from Phoenix, Ron & Marilyn joined us here in Cottonwood. Our visit was fun, we went to Alcantara Winery for wine tasting, out for Mexican food, and just hung around the campground. Marilyn bought a 1000 piece puzzle for her and me to put together (we both enjoy puzzles) and we managed to finish it before they left. It was a good time!

Well….our “big news” is; seems we are going to stay put in Cottonwood for a while. We decided to lease a site for a year here at Thousand Trails Verde Valley. This doesn’t mean we won’t take a few trips now and then, doubt very much we will stay here for the hot summer, but we will be in one place longer than we have in the year and 4 months we have been full-timing. Cottonwood is a neat little town and close to a variety of places to visit. Another fun adventure!

Right: Puzzle Marilyn & I put together
Left: A balloon that floated over the campground
1. the view of our "yard" at the site we leased
2. an amazing sunset here at Verde Valley
3. a view from the campground while on my morning walk


Unknown said...

Congrats. sounds like fun. the balloon pic is perfect. Balloon Rally weekend started in Prosser today ;)

Dave and Lori said...

Hi Lisa,
Something different for us! Dave took that pic, I'll tell him you liked it. Ahhh the Balloon Rally, I enjoyed watching that...