We’ve had a great stay at here at Quartzsite, AZ. There have been a few days with wind, a couple with rain, but mostly it’s been lovely weather. Our friends Dave & Anne did come for a 3 day visit which was a lot of fun. During their stay Cheyenne stirred up another visitor
Yep…a rattlesnake. It was not a happy camper! Dave chased it away from our campsite with a shovel and we haven’t seen it since.
The area is rather empty , most of the snowbirds have headed north I guess. We will be here a couple more days before we begin our slow trip north…just love this 80 degree weather and hate to leave it!
Our trailer and Dave & Anne's coach parked out in Quartzsite |
Flowers in the desert |
more blooms in the desert |
out on a walk in Quartzsite |
yet another fabulous Quartzsite sunset |
that is quite the 'friend' that Cheye brought home!..ewww!!..enjoy your last few days in the desert!..must be peaceful since most of the snowbirds have headed north!!
Great shot of the rattler!!! Ron just said that he would have moved to the next state! Ha!
Gorgeous sunset! AZ is the sunset/sunrise capital of the world, so far in my opinion! Although, we have seen some cool shots in TX.
Hugs to Cheye!
The snake certainly livened things up that afternoon!
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