Monday, May 9, 2011


We left Vegas yesterday, the weather was supposed to be cooler and windy... it was.  It’s downright cold!  So far we’ve driven through wind, sleet and snow…happily the snow wasn’t sticking.

Last night we stayed in Tonopah, NV at The Station Casino RV park.   We’ve stayed there before…just hook-ups in the parking lot behind the casino, but it works for a night. (here's the prior post & pics of The Station) Today we are just north of Reno at a cute little park called Bordertown Casino & RV Resort.  The nearby hilltops are snow covered but tomorrow it’s supposed to warm up.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed the forecast is right!  :o)
The entry to Bordertown RV Resort

Our site

Bordertown  RV Resort with the snowy hills in the background

The hills behind the park

Another view of the snowy hills


Sue and Doug said...

funny..I was just talking with a co-worker about Reno!..wondering if anyone ever went there anymore and there you are!!..nice snow on the mountains..hope it stays up there!!

Dave and Lori said...

How funny! Well, we bypassed Reno proper so I don't know how busy the casinos are there...but the casinos in Vegas were packed.

shabby girl said...

Look at those clouds and mountains! Just two of the reasons we have not headed north yet!
Still trying to pull everything together to get registered in TX.
Kisses to Cheye! Makes us think of Wilson!

Dave and Lori said...

Today was a bit nicer. Tomorrow we're off to TT Bend and it looks like rain there :o( Oh well! You're smart staying south a little longer!