Monday, September 8, 2008

An Unexpected Meeting

Dave, Cheye and I drove in to South Beach this morning to get the mail. After that it was off to do laundry and you’ll never guess who I met... Mrs. Claus! Well, it is a lady that played the character of Mrs. Claus and her husband was Santa at EPCOT Disney World last year. She said the toughest question she was asked by one of the kids is “what is your first name”, guess I’d never thought about it but Mrs.Claus doesn’t seem to have a first sad. I think Merry would be good. Anyway she is a nice lady, she and her hubby traveled from Florida up into Alaska and are starting their way back home. They have been on the road since March.

Our afternoon was quiet. Computers and walks was about it. We did see Sue and Snickers on our afternoon walk. Snickers weighs 4 pounds, Cheye 104, bit of a difference but they seem to like each other. We just have to keep Cheye’s feet away from Snickers!

Top: Cheye on the foggy beach yesterday
Bottom: Snickers
Video: I mentioned yesterday that I would post video we took of Cheye and the buoy on the foggy beach

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