Friday, September 12, 2008


The day started out cool and windy and pretty much stayed that way. We went in to South Beach to get our mail and on the way back we decided to drive through South Beach State Park. They have camping there and we thought we would see what the park looked like. Unfortunately it is gated before you get to the campground so we turned around and drove over to the day section that has beach access. Brrrrrr... the wind was howling so we didn’t stay long.

I am not fond of wind, where we used to live was a rather windy area of Washington so I’ve had my fill. However, there were a few people at the day use area of the park putting together their wind surfing boards all excited about the weather conditions. One of them talked about the combination of the wind and the fog bank like I would talk about 80 degrees and a light tropical breeze. The old saying; one man’s trash is another man’s treasure is certainly true.

After we got back from the Post Office it was pretty much an indoor day. A couple walks around the park and computing pretty much sums it up.

Photos were all taken yesterday:
Top: the path to the beach
Middle: the beach
Bottom: Cheye
Video: Taken today at South Beach State Park

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