Friday, July 25, 2008

Short Blog

Just not much to report today. The morning was gray and chilly here in Pacific City, OR. Dave made pancakes for our breakfast this morning. We took Cheye out for a couple walks around the park, watched Chipmunks, talked. Oh, we made a few changes to our reservations and started the process of getting our pickup and trailer licensed in South Dakota. We didn’t register the vehicles while we were back in SD because you have to go to the county your address is in, ours is on the east side of the state. One of the services the mail forwarding company we use is to assist with vehicle registration so we decided to take advantage of that rather than spending the $$$ on diesel and RV parks.

This morning I also did some work on compressing video. I discovered lots of different settings when I clicked the “advanced” button in iMovie so I played around with them a lot of the morning. I reworked the video I posted yesterday so it isn’t quite so pixely and I re-posted it on the if I could only remember what combination of settings I used.....

photo: cute little chipmunk neighbor

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